By Laws
The name of the organization shall be TexTESOL IV.
TexTESOL IV is a professional non-profit organization established as an affiliate of TESOL in 1978. Its purpose is to perform educational activities permitted by the federal and state tax codes: namely to promote scholarship; to share information through discussion, study, publication, and research; to promote high standards in the field of English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL); and to cooperate appropriately with other groups having shared goals.
Said organization is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational, and scientific purposes, including, for such purposes,· the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
Upon the dissolution of the organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose. Any such assets not disposed of shall be disposed of by a court of competent jurisdiction in the county in which the principal office of the organization is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.
Section 1. Membership is open to any person involved or interested in promoting ESOL education.
Section 2. The Board of Directors shall set the members’ dues.
Section 3. The nominating committee will consider only members who have paid or will pay their dues as potential officers or members of standing committees.
Section 4. A membership year shall begin on the date when membership dues were processed and will last for one calendar year. Additionally membership dues are renewable on the date of the annual conference.
Section 5. Persons may join TexTESOL IV at any time during a membership year by paying dues for the current year.
Section 6. The names of current board members and other information deemed to be pertinent shall be posted on the TexTESOL IV website.
Section 1. The members of the Board of Directors of TexTESOL IV shall be President, Past President, President-Elect, Conference Chair, Conference Chair-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Newsletter Editor, Conference Program Chair, Conference Registration Chair, Membership Coordinator, Historian, Advocacy, Webmaster, and two Members-At-Large.
Section 2. All nominees for an office shall be members in good standing of TexTESOL IV and live within the TexTESOL IV affiliate boundaries or in the TexTESOL IV area,as designated by TexTESOL
Section 3. A Board member may be dismissed for failure to perform duties as listed under their terms of office listed in the By Laws or for missing three consecutive meetings during a membership year subject to Board decision per approved Board procedures and after a conversation with the president of TexTESOL
Section 4. The terms of office shall begin and end at the annual conference.
Section 5. The terms of office of the Board members shall be as follows:
President: The term shall be for one year; the president may not serve successive terms. The president shall serve an additional consecutive year in the capacity of Past President.
Past President: The term shall be for one year; the past president may not serve successive terms.
President-Elect: The term shall be for one year.
Conference Chair: The term shall be for one or more years with nominating committee approval
Conference Chair-Elect: The term shall be for one or more years with nominating committee approval
Secretary: The term shall be for two years or more with nominating committee approval .
Treasurer: The terms shall be for two years or more with nominating committee approval
Newsletter Editor: The term shall be for two years or more with nominating committee approval
Conference Program Chair: The term shall be two years or more with nominating committee approval
Conference Registration Chair: The terms shall be two years or more with nominating committee approval
Membership Coordinator: The term shall be two years or more with nominating committee approval
Historian: The term shall be two years or more with nominating committee approval
Advocacy: The term shall be two years or more with nominating committee approval
Webmaster: The term shall be two years or more with nominating committee approval
Members-At-Large: The term shall be one year or more with nominating committee approval .
Section 6. The Board members shall perform the duties described in the guidelines for TexTESOL IV Members and in these bylaws.
Preside at the board meetings and at the annual business meeting.
Arrange a meeting site or virtual meetings.for board meetings.
Prepare meeting agendas.
Serve as an official representative to the Council of Presidents.
Attend meetings of the Council of Presidents at state and international TESOL conferences, or arrange for a representative from TexTESOL IV to attend.
Serve as either the Executive Director or Secretary of the Council of Presidents during the years of the 5-year cycle in which the rotation falls to TexTESOL IV.
Attend the international TESOL conference in the spring, representing TexTESOL IV through attendance at the annual affiliates meeting, participation in discussions and through voting; or arrange for a representative from TexTESOL IV to attend.
Submit newsletter articles for the TexTESOL IV Newsletter.
May sign checks written on the TexTESOL IV bank account.
Preside over the Annual Conference.
Appoint an individual to fill a vacant position on the board.
Establish an Executive Committee composed of the President, Past President, Treasurer, Secretary and any other pertinent Board members to make expeditious, unanticipated decisions.
Maintain the affiliate banner for annual conferences.
Serve as liaison with the TESOL central office.
Disseminate news to and from TESOL central office, including the updating of the officer list, in a timely manner.
Send conference announcements to TESOL CONNECTIONS.
Chair the nominating committee and gather information regarding prospective nominees.
Submit the list of nominees to the Board members and to the Newsletter Editor for publication no later than one month in advance of the annual conference.
Serve as an official representative to the Council of Presidents.
Attend meetings of the Council of Presidents at state and international TESOL conferences, or arrange for a representative from TexTESOL IV to attend.
Serve as either Executive Director or Secretary during the year of the cycle in which the rotation falls to TexTESOL IV.
Serve as an official delegate to the TESOL Affiliate Council at the International TESOL Conference in the spring.
Serve as a resource person for the President.
May sign checks written on the TexTESOL IV bank account.
Publicize TexTESOL IV conferences and events to potential participants, other affiliate newsletters, and local business or professional organizations such as the Chamber of Commerce,all social media, newspapers, local school districts, and local university newsletters.
Attend meetings of the Council of Presidents at state TexTESOL conferences.
Preside at meetings in absence of the President.
Provide oversight and support for the Conference Chair, Treasurer, Membership Coordinator, Secretary, newsletter and Conference Registration Chair to ensure all responsibilities are carried out.
Serve as President in the event the President resigns or is unable to carry out term.
Assist in the collection and maintenance of hotel points earned by the affiliate.
Set the theme for the annual conference at the beginning of the calendar year.
Investigate and visit conference sites to determine availability and suitability.
Determine conference site at the beginning of the calendar year.
Appoint committee chairs at least four months prior to the conference.
Work with the treasurer to determine the budget based on the prior year’s conference and monitor expenditures.
Oversee and help to develop the preparation of the Call for Proposal, Call for Publishers, registration forms, and conference program.
Preside over the annual conference.
Take care of post-conference tasks, e.g. thank-you notes, reimbursements for valid expenses, no later than two weeks after the conference.
Attend the TexTESOL state conference. Serve as contact/resource person for next year’s conference.
Coordinate conference signage.
Serve under the Conference Chair as vice-chair of the annual conference.
Assume responsibilities assigned by the Conference Chair.
Serve as Chair of the Publisher Committee.
Solicit exhibitors and advertisements for the conference.
Solicit contributions from publishers and other sponsors.
Organize and set up an exhibit area; check on the area periodically during the conference.
Turn over revenue and accurate records to the Treasurer.
Encourage conference participants to visit the exhibit area.
Write thank-you letters to all exhibitors.
Turn over records, names, and addresses of contracts to the following year’s Conference Chair Elect.
Prepare monthly treasurer’s reports and an annual financial statement including a projected budget for the board; submit the annual financial statement at the first board meeting following the annual conference, and a summary article submitted to the newsletter if needed.
Pay bills, issue reimbursements, and make deposits on a timely basis.
Work with the Conference Chair, Registration Chair and President Elect to pay conference bills in a timely fashion, and present the board with a conference report on receipts/expenses.
Submit annual tax information to the IRS.
May sign checks and credit card payments written on the TexTESOL IV bank account.
Submit an End of Year Budget at the Annual Conference.
Participate on the Executive Committee of the Board.
Keep track of any hotel points earned and report to the Board monthly.
Establish a Budget Committee to develop the Annual Projected Budget.
Attend the State and International TexTESOL and TESOL Conferences to report Treasurer activities (pay membership dues), meet with other financial officers and keep abreast of the latest financial trends of other affiliates.
Maintain a money box with at least $50 cash for making change, a “paid” rubber stamp and a receipt book for annual,regional or state conferences
Record minutes and email them to the president within one week after each meeting of the board.
Provide Board members with letterhead stationery as needed.
Provide board members with a list of names and addresses of all board members.
Work collaboratively with the conference registration chair to maintain a database for recruiting potential members and send out recruitment mailings as needed.
Invite inactive members to renew.
Set up periodic Membership events, face to face or virtually.
Work with the president elect to promote TexTESOL IV membership through social media.
Check Wufoo website to identify new members who have joined online.
Chair Registration Committee at the annual conference
Process conference registrations, including transferring funds to the Treasurer and providing an updated membership list to the Membership Coordinator.
Prepare registration envelopes including receipts, participant badges, and lunch tickets when applicable.
Schedule volunteers to staff registration tables or other duties as needed.
Order conference ribbons.
Prepare signs for registration tables.
Be in charge of and prepare for on-site registration.
Prepare on-site registration forms.
Organize registration area.
Prepare a list of procedures for handling registration and distribute to all volunteers.
Keep supplies on hand, e.g., for making signs, staplers, pens, scissors, masking tape, double-stick tape for ribbons, and poster boards.
Receive and input conference pre-registrations.
Develop the Call for Proposals for the annual conference.
Receive program proposals from potential presenters.
Determine which proposals to accept with help of a selection committee.
Send notification letters to presenters.
Arrange the program schedule, either online (virtual) or in person.
Prepare the printed conference program or digital conference schedule prior to the conference with help of a committee.
Provide assistance to presenters (e.g., arrange special areas; prepare certificates; recognize presenters) during the conference.
Distribute survey/evaluation of conference performance
Collect and maintain copies of monthly agendas, minutes, and treasurer’s reports for seven years.
Collect and maintain copies of newsletters and annual conference programs.
Produce and archive photographs of annual events.
Maintain record of annual conference data on a designated form (e.g., revenue, expense, number of participants).
Create a history of the affiliate displays at the annual conference on significant TexTESOL anniversaries.
Assist the Advocacy Chair to prepare displays at the annual conference.
Archive and collect and maintain membership directories/lists.
Publish a newsletter at least three times a year.
Solicit, collect, and edit articles of interest to the ESL professional field.
Design and produce each issue of the newsletter.
Arrange to have the newsletter posted to the TexTESOL IV official website.
Provide copies of previous Newsletters at the affiliate display table/booth.
Keep up-to-date on issues of concern to the TexTESOL IV membership.
Provide information and feedback to the board regarding socio-political issues.
Provide content for the newsletter column, Speaker’s Corner.
Advocate for TexTESOL IV members and ESOL learners. If needed, organize forums and workshops.
Provide a workshop and a booth at the regional conference to communicate local, state, and national issues to the membership.
Be a liaison between TexTESOL IV and TESOL for advocacy issues.
Attend annual TESOL Advocacy Day in Washington D.C. if funds allow.
Communicate regularly with other Advocacy Chairs in TexTESOL.
Attend board meetings.
Provide information and feedback to the Board regarding matters of interest to the membership.
Serve as members of ad-hoc committees of the Board.
Assume such responsibilities, as the Board deems necessary from time to time.
Develop content, when necessary, and maintain the TexTESOL IV website regularly.
Seek guidance from the President and President Elect and majority opinion of the Board as to what should be posted on the website.
Section 1. A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of TexTESOL IV shall be held unless the President issues notification otherwise. A quorum for a regular board meeting requires attendance by a simple majority of the filled board positions. All votes, excluding amendments to the bylaws, require a simple majority of those present at the regular board meeting. Regular meetings may either be face to face or through internet host; i.e. Zoom, Go to Meeting, Webex as decided by the Board of Directors..
Section 2. The meeting of the full membership shall be known as the annual meeting and shall be for the purpose of electing offices, receiving annual reports, and conducting any other business deemed necessary.
Section 3. A special meeting may be called by the President or on the written request of a member of the organization. The purpose of the meeting shall be set forth in the notice. If needed, a special vote may be conducted via email or virtually through an internet host.
Section 4. Notice of the annual meeting shall be given at least 30 days in advance.
Section 5. Those members present at the annual business meeting shall constitute a quorum.
Section 6. Members of the Board of Directors who must travel more than fifty miles one way to attend meetings may request mileage reimbursement at the rate in effect for Texas state employees.
Section 7. In the event of resignation during a year, the President shall appoint a member to serve in the office until the following annual business meeting and election, at which time a replacement will be elected to fill the unexpired term.
The proceedings and business of TexTESOL IV board shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Parliamentary Procedure unless otherwise provided herein.
These bylaws may be amended at any regularly scheduled board meeting. An amendment must be submitted in writing at the previous regular board meeting. The amendment must be approved by a two-thirds vote of currently filled board position
An election shall be held during the annual meeting to determine who will serve on the TexTESOL IV Board of Directors.
The annual meeting may be held in person or virtually.
The Past President appoints a Nominating Committee and develops a proposed slate of officers with input from the general membership.
All members nominated for a position will be contacted by the Past President by email or phone to inquire if they are interested in serving in the position for which they have been nominated. Upon confirmation of their interest in the position, their name shall be placed on the proposed slate of officers, which shall be published in the newsletter and website 30 days before the Annual Meeting.
If open positions exist on the proposed slate of officers, interested members can nominate themselves or other members by contacting the Past President at least twenty days prior to the Annual Meeting.
At the Annual Meeting, the past president shall present the proposed slate of officers.
All current members of TexTESOL IV are eligible to approve the proposed slate of officers. A motion will be made to accept by acclamation the slate of officers as proposed by the nominating committee.
A second of the proposal will be requested. The proposed slate of officers will stand as approved.